Wedding Trends from 2018

Which wedding trends will compliment your style?

Wedding trends come and go… But outdoor weddings will never go out of style and having an indoor option, not only adds peace and comfort, but yet another opportunity to reflect your vision. The question is, how do I make the space I’ve chosen for my wedding, reflect my personality? While timeless and classic touches will always be in style, many options abound for you to add your own style. Here are just a few of our favorite 2018 wedding trends worth noting and could be around for awhile…

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Wedding Ceremony Music

wedding ceremony music

Selecting wedding ceremony music can be daunting and do I ever have a list to make your life easier. Below you will find wedding ceremony music divided into Classical, Ceremony Hymns, Non-Traditional, and for the recessional, modern upbeat music to cap off the event. Of course, anything goes these days. This can be dictated by whether your ceremony is traditional or no holds barred. After all, its Your Wedding, Your Way! Continue reading “Wedding Ceremony Music”

Wedding Planning Advice for the Newly Engaged

chalkboard wedding sign calligraphy

 Time to Plan for the Outdoor Event of your life

Chances are, you are feeling a bit overwhelmed with so many decisions to make, aka Wedding planning. Take a deep breath…and take it from a recent MOB, who was in your shoes just a few years ago. One thing is certain, Google and Pinterest are at your fingertips every time you have a thought, idea, or question thrown at you. By all means… lean on those who have recently been through this process. Continue reading “Wedding Planning Advice for the Newly Engaged”