Wedding Trends from 2018

Which wedding trends will compliment your style?

Wedding trends come and go… But outdoor weddings will never go out of style and having an indoor option, not only adds peace and comfort, but yet another opportunity to reflect your vision. The question is, how do I make the space I’ve chosen for my wedding, reflect my personality? While timeless and classic touches will always be in style, many options abound for you to add your own style. Here are just a few of our favorite 2018 wedding trends worth noting and could be around for awhile…

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Wedding Decor Trends

Wedding decor trends you weren’t expecting!

Paper Petals

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Apparently, there is a new trend to make a floral statement. If you didn’t see this one coming, check out or her Instagram account @thelovelyave. You may have already seen some of her work as featured in MyWedding magazine and would have never guessed it’s paper, specifically, crepe paper. These hand made beauties are taking wedding decor by storm.

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Best Places to Buy Wedding Decor

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Outdoor Wedding Decor Ideas for Your Wedding

IMG 2583 150x150 - Best Places to Buy Wedding DecorIf you are lucky enough to live in a city that hosts monthly flea markets and planning a wedding— you better mark your calendar. You are going to discover unique, rustic, and vintage decor pieces for your outdoor wedding.  Most of these items can be repurposed as decor for your new home or new space with your significant other.
. Continue reading “Best Places to Buy Wedding Decor”