DIY Weddings? 6 things you should never DIY

Kelly Valente getting bride ready

6 Things you should Never DIY for your Wedding

There is a defining question to deciding whether or not to have a DIY wedding. Ask yourself, can it be done months in advance or is it something that happens on the day of or right before your event? In some cases, it can save you a lot of money and quite frankly, you may just be the crafty kind that considers it fun. Let’s face it, certain elements of your Big Day are simply too stressful and too much to take on at the last minute. Homemade gifts, favors, and décor can add a personal touch and can be made and assembled months in advance. Still wanting a DIY wedding? This list may have you calling the professionals for those details that come together right before your event. This will ensure you enjoy your special day and save you a whole lot of stress! Continue reading “DIY Weddings? 6 things you should never DIY”